Monday, January 28, 2013

Kirby Cake Pops

Dagan requested chocolate Kirby cake pops for his 6th birthday. He wanted to bring them to school and share them with all of his classmates. He had become a big fan of Kirby's Epic Yarn for the Wii. It's a game where Kirby, a round pink hero is made of yarn. He carries a yarn whip with a star at the end of unravel his foes. All the levels are made of buttons, zippers, fabric and yarn. There are different environments for each level and Kirby's goal is to stitch Patchland back together. Kirby and his friend Prince Fluff can transform into all sorts of creatures and vehicles from dolphins to fire trucks to spaceships.

For cake pops recipe, see Chocolate Sprinkle Cake Pops post. To make the Kirby ones, I rolled the cake balls and then pinched the sides to form the arms. I mixed white and pink candy melts in equal amounts to make the Kirby color. As soon as I dipped them I stuck on Jelly Belly red apple jelly beans for his feet. Make sure to hold it upside down for a minute or so or they will fall off. After the cake pops were dry, I melted black candy melts and used a wooden bbq skewer to draw on his eyes and mouth. White candy melts were added on top of that after it was dry for the eye details. Pink candy melt with a little red food coloring added in were brushed on his cheeks. Once they were completely dry, I bagged them and stuck rhinestone star stickers on the bags and tied them with pink yarn. For Dagan's I added some bigger stars on the end to make Kirby's yarn whip.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome. My son wants them for his 6th birthday for school as well. Will try to see if I can do it, lol.
