Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bailey's Brownies, Blog Changes and My Process

These brownies were rich and fudgy, easy to make and had a hint of Bailey's Irish Cream. This is one of my favorite brownie recipes to make. The only change is that next time I will sift the cocoa powder because it made little spots on the top of the brownies.

Things have become much busier lately. I've taken on a full time job of homeschooling my two boys and maintaining a homeschool blog about them as well as their updating their video blog.  This leaves much less time for baking and even less time for baking blogging. I've decided not to post the recipes on this site due to time constraints. If you would like any of the recipes, I'd be happy to email them to you. Here's the process my baking goes through.

1) Get inspired. Decide what to make, what ingredients I have, what's in season.

2) Research recipes, read reviews and ratings, watch instructional videos.

3) Grocery shop for ingredients.

4) Drink lots of diet coke to stay awake. And put on some catchy music.

5) Bake.

6) Cool and cut, prepare for serving and transport.

7) Photograph.

8) Download to computer, weed through and edit photos.

9) Post to personal Facebook, Sweetdreamspatisserievancouver Facebook and write a bit, post to this blog. Write about what I baked and type out the recipe in my own words as well as including any alterations, substitutions, tips and hints, etc.

This blog will mainly be a visual journal. I also plan to start painting original works of the sweets I make. In this way, my two degrees- fine art painting and commercial baking shall meld together into one where the art influences my baking to be visually striking thus inspiring me to paint and my painting references are original sweets that have never been painted before.

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